Sunday, September 23, 2012

Talking point #4

This week's reading was interesting. Exploring through my first website was the same but yet different from the second. I thought it was a fun way to take in a lot of the concepts we are covering in class about feminist issues. The mini games on the websites were cool to set up your own living room and see how it would be. The games I really liked because it just shows you in other perspectives. Money and class can definitively be a feminist issue.
All the unequal pay between men and woman is such a high problem. I loved seeing the posters on the websites showing it. It was funny to read but also so true on the meanings behind them. I also liked seeing the mini stories people had up on the websites too. I think feminist take up these issues because since it's one of the biggest they really want to pin down the problem.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Kayla,
    I think your point about Class being such a large problem is an interesting one. Why do you think that is? Also- I liked the stories on the website too- do you think they are similar/different then the ones in the film?
